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Company Information
Company Logo
Company's Name
NR-STD Co., Ltd.
Company’s Address
No. (37/2), Ward (14/3), Satt Thwar Phoo St, Cherry Garden City, South Okkalapa Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar
Business Description
Myanmar Branch of N.R.Engineering, Thailand, a leading supplier of electrical construction materials. We are the distributor of "Blue Eagle" Electrical Conduits, Flexible Metal Conduits, Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduits, as well as Conduit Fittings and accessories. We are also providing many types of other electrical construction materials such as Electrical Wires & Cables, Electrical Tapes & Accessories, LPS & grounding systems, Cable Management systems, circuit breakers, switch sockets, load centers, and consumer units, etc.
Company’s Website
Company’s Email
Company's Phone
Mobile Number
+959-977523936, +959-952743540